Top 10 Trending Technologies
If , u are from a technical background then it is required u to know about these technologies. because u can survive in field of technology , If u live updated and can change yourself according to upcoming technology.
So, for this reason we come here with 10 trending or upcoming technologies.
As we know , This time "Due to of covid-19" we are not able to go outside for purchasing daily need things and also for work . In this situation we can see the technology is going to help us .
because , by the online shopping we can purchase anything we don't need to go outside .
For further we have to prepare about these all things like covid-19 pandemic and many more type of pandemic's .
So, Here we go
1. Artificial Intelligence
2. RPA (Robotic Process Automation)
3. Data Science
4. Blockchain
5. Cognitive Cloud computing
6. Angular and React
7. Internet of Things (IoT)
8. Intelligent Apps (I - Apps)
9. Big data
10. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality.
Here, u can get some basic ideas about these above things.
1) Artificial Intelligence :
In simply words an Artificial intelligence is just like a blueprint of human.
If u know the internal working of the human body like "How basically human brain works with the help of neurons" and also how the human body work on the human brain instruction. An artificial intelligence is similar to that .
But to work with an AI u need to learn some algorithm and also u should able to convert your ideas in code .
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Artificial Intelligence |
2) Robotic Process Automation (RPA):
The RPA is a good concept for to do repetitive work . It has also lot of things to do .
Over the internet, There are many tools/Software available to work for RPA.
It can be the future because to work with this coding is not required .
U should familier with the tool.
3) Data science :
As we know , If the market of any country is going online than there will be need of data scientist will also increase.
Because for any company or organization "right decision on right time " play a good role .
So , To predict things or for the forecasting of the company product data science is required .
To work as a data scientist we should know following thins:-
1. Data analysis
2. Machine learning
3. Deep learning
4. Blockchain:
Blockchain as a technology has far-reaching potential in everything from healthcare to elections to real estate to law enforcement.
And This is a technology that powers bitcoins, the whole new parallel currency that has taken over the world.
5) Cognitive Cloud computing:
It is considered as a next big revolution in the IT sector.
There are many big companies like GOOGLE, MICROSOFT, IBM has started to work over this next-generation technology.
This technology basically help to make decisions over the understanding big data. and this technology basically is able to work with human language.
6) Angular and React:
Basically , Angular and React are the framework of the javascript. which help us to make web application easily .
and This technology is also used to make native mobile application .
So , it can also be a part of trend over the internet.
To work with these things u should know the HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT.
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code with angular |
7) Internet of Things (IoT):
To have knowledge about the "Internet of Things " very required now a days. because mostly things are going to work by the help of internet .
As u can see u surrounding everything is going to covered by the internet like -
- Traffic Control System
- Smart TV's
- Smart Phones
- Education
- Entertainment and many more things .
So, we should have some basic ideas about the IoT, either we are from technical background or not.
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Internet of things |
8) Intelligent Apps (I - Apps):
It may good to have some basic ideas about the Intelligent apps like -
chat bots
google assistance
ludo playing game etc.
means, that type of apps which can make decision over the current data or situation called Intelligent apps.
If any person have a technical background and knowledge about to writing code ,then he can make his own Intelligent app like above .
9) Big data :
As we know big companies are going to work over the internet because from the internet they can easily sell/purchase product and also make good virtual connectivity to the consumer.
If the company is supplying any type of service over the world wide then it will difficult to manage that large amount of data .
company can face the storage problem and processing problem also . That's by it is important to understand about the big data.
There are two frameworks are available to solve the big data problems.
1. Hadoop
10) Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality:
These technologies are also good in use.
The medical student use the AR (Augmented Reality ) tech.. to practice surgery in a controlled environment or in labs.
and the other hand the VR (Virtual Reality ) is used in games and interactive marketing also .
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augmented/virtual reality |
We hope , Now u have some basic ideas about these trending things.