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What is fuzzy logic

Introduction of fuzzy logic 

As we know this time AI is the most usable and learnable technology in the world . and the whole world is going to work on the this tech . because by the using of "ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE" organization can earn more money without investing on the employees they can invest only at a single time for the machines and can get more work as compare to the normal employee or employer.

If we talk in general term then fuzzy logic is basically logics which comes under the 0 and 1 in which 0 and 1 both are exclusive . that means 0 and 1 not be considered in these logics.
and we know that 0 and 1 are the boolean logic/expression . In which 0 means False/No and 1 means yes/True .

In normal codes we use 0 or 1 to give the direction to our program . let me tell u by using an example here-
suppose, if we are writing a program in which 
If the person is sick then person will go in hospital 
But if the person is not sick then person will go to home

That means according to above example we have only two option 
1 person is sick  (YES/True/1)
2 person is not sick  (NO/False/0)

This above all about the boolean expression/logic .
Now , try to understand fuzzy logic here:
Suppose , In the same example, if the person is saying that i'm not fully sick and not fully fit . that means the person has some little problem which means more than 0 and less then 1.
any person can assume this easily but if we talk in AI then how can machine analyze these type of statement because the world is going to make robots or robots with artificial intelligence. than it is required to measure these all type of measurement of human behave .

artificial behave 

Why we should know about the fuzzy logic

 Here, I will try to explain u the requirement to know about the fuzzy logic by using an real life example :
As we know that now a days most of the multinational companies are going to make cars which can automatically can run on the roads on the basis of codes , databases , logics etc. there is no need to human control over the car . cars can take right decisions just by using codes , logic , databases on which cars are operating.

and we know TESLA  is the company who has created this type of car which can automatically operates. and if we are in the field of technology then it is required to know and to live updated about these terms.
Tesla cars with AI

How can we create fuzzy logic 

Let , If we have these following situation 
1.Person Is Extremely Honest (1.0)
2.Very Honest                           (0.85)
3.Sometimes Honest                 (0.35)
4.Extremely Dishonest              (0.00)

Now , suppose we have to write code for the robot intelligence , when any person is sometimes honest then robot should hide all the money in his pocket.
or if the person is "extremely dishonest" then robot should go away from there . that means we have to write conditions for the values which comes under the 0 or 1 , not true not false.

Dishonesty in eyes

So , these values or in technical word degree of the 0's or 1's  measured by using some mathematical concepts which known as the fuzzy logics.
I think now u have some basic understanding about the fuzzy logic mainly used for the AI.
