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About Us

about-us ,write-about-pageabout us :-

Hello guy's , This blog is basically designed to live knowledgefull . This is our first blog on the and we hope that u will support us . 

This blog is designed by the 'THUNDER TEAM' . Here are four members are the crew member of this blog and make this team as 'thunder team'. If there is any type of mistake occure into any artical or in any post than don't take it seriously just ignore that .

At yet, it is required to have some social links and channels over the internet because these thing help u to servive over the internet . so we have this link by which u can join us over the internet -( ) .

And also earlier we are going to make a utube channel also to make connectivity over the internet . also u can join us on mail , If u have any type of suggesions or query about any artical or page then u can message of the above gmail .

On this blog we try to provide u things about the News, Sport , and Tech also .

About us:- 


City- agra

State- Uttar pradesh india

Pin 282001


Our blog -
